Cséry Zoltán önálló szólóprojektje egy zongorára és effektekre. Chillout, ambient és filmzenei érzések keverednek Zoli első, Life Is A Playground című lemezén. Modern klasszikus zenei elemek is megjelennek a művekben, illetve repetitív, relaxációs hangulatok is erősen előbújnak.
The new project of Zoltán Cséry (pianist, composer, lyricist) is called ’Songs For Your Soul ’, a solo piano, instrumental soloist music. The pieces composed for piano take the listeners to a world, where they can calm down, relax and create their own little ’movies’ to these songs. A few chords, clear-out melodic arches, minimalism and soaring characterizes the pieces, the listeners can lock them into their hearts and souls, according to their actual moods. The writer considers of importance that we need to stop from time to time in our rushing world, close our eyes and lean back to relax. These tunes are healing and encouraging ones, that we especially need nowadays. This musical ’pilgrimage’ is a journey from deeper compositions to lighter plays.